Wednesday, May 07, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] Retirement a strategy, not an outcome

Retirement a strategy,
not an outcome
Gone are the days
when retirement meant the end of the road,
when every desire would be met with the grim reminder:
"Forget it, you're retired now!"
To retire meant to cut back 50 per cent on one's lifestyle.
retirement is a strategy, not an outcome.
It is something planned with financial acumen.
It is not age that retires you, but your decision to quit.

And you quit when your wealth calculator says you can.
Retirement is not about cutting back;
it is about stretching the boundaries.

Most financial products today sing this tune.
The pitch is to show old/elderly people
(in an age band of 45-60 odd years)
do the things they've done in their youth,
perhaps even the things they could not have done earlier!
'live it up'
philosophy is a mark of the emerging Indian economy.
Enough surpluses are generated
in one's working life to provide for a financially robust
'post-retirement' existence.
The Max New York pension plan ad
is a great example of this thesis.

The ad begins
with a shot of a little boy walking along
a village pond in the company of his folks,
upright (perhaps also uptight) middle class types.
He watches longingly as a village boy flips off the wharf
and lands happily in the water below.

The likely storyboard
is that this is our
little boy's ancestral village,
which his middle class dad has come to visit with his family.
The father's sternshake of the head keeps
the little boy from pulling off his tie;
the mom looks somewhat bemused but holds her counsel.
The voice over reminds you that since the time you've been a kid,
you've had to check your impulses.

The next shot reveals
a man getting ticked off by his boss.
He's the same young boy,
one would suppose, now grown up.
He wants to sock one back to the boss,
he can't jeopardise his job; his wife's expecting.
The storyboard unfolds beautifully.

I've read somewhere
Priyadarshini has done some ad films
for Max New York;
this ad definitely bears the mark of a deft directorial hand.
Another shot reveals our guy
considering buying a Merc;
he shakes off the desire since
he has two kids to bring up.
The story is familiar; the storyboard rare.
Do we not curb our impulses in the face
of the responsibilities we have to shoulder?

The denouement is beautifully crafted.
This time the guy, now greyed and distinguished,
visits the wharf of the opening scene in the company of his wife.
His rips off his tie and jumps into the lake.

No comprise in later life,
we're told.
Thanks to Max New York Life pension plans,
you can finally live out your desires.
Even as the wife looks on indulgently
(interestingly just like his mom had),
the man frolics in the water.

The visual goes against everything
you traditionally associate with retired people.
You also realise this is a different India unfolding.
Max New York Life has beautifully adapted
its narrative to tell this new story.

Sriram Savarkar
Hinduism is more a way of life than a method of worship.
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshithaha
If you protect Dharma, Dharma will in turn protect you.
Hindus, If people slap you once, slap them twice!
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