Wednesday, May 07, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] Modern Heights

Modern Heights


1. What is height of Fashion?

A. Dhoti with a zip .


2. What is height of Secrecy?

A. Offering blank visiting cards.


3. What is height of Active laziness?

A. Asking for a lift to house while on a morning walk.


4. What is height of Craziness?

A. Getting a blank paper Xeroxed.


5. What is height of Forgetfulness?

A. Seeing the mirror and trying to recollect when you saw him / her last.


6. What is height of Stupidity?

A. A man looking through a keyhole of a glass door.


7. What is height of Honesty?

A. A pregnant woman taking one and a half ticket.


8. What is height of Suicide?

A. A dwarf jumping from the footpath on the road.


9. What is height of De-hydration?

A. A cow giving milk powder.


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