Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Re: [Hindi_Jokes] (2)can you do this?

here is the solution to this problem, have  a look
The bug can be triggered by many sentences, including those that follow a particular structure: one word with 4 letters, two or more words with 3 letters, one word with 5 letters. Try it.
ANS: To retrieve the original text, bring up the "Open" dialog box from the "File" menu, select "UTF-8" in the "Encoding" list box, and open the file.

ganesh <ganeshkumble11@gmail.com> wrote:
(2)can you do this?

Create new note pad file(.txt) anywhere on your computor.

Now Type "Bush hid the facts"

Save this file anywhere in your pc.

Now reopen this file.

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