Tuesday, March 18, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] Checking In

Hey Everyone,
Sorry that I haven't posted in the group lately but I have been have been busy. I decided to change my e-mail address for my groups. I'm in a lot of groups and get a lot of e-mails (I get behind sometimes), I love e-mailing its a lot faster then snail-mailing! I'm looking for female e-pals that love e-mailing. I hate when people say that they'll be e-pals with you they'll e-mail you one or two times you'll reply back and then you never hear from them again. Gerrr.
Like I said I use this e-mail address for my groups now! You may e-mail me here and I'll reply back as soon as I can. And again I'm sorry that I haven't posted lately. I hope all is well with everyone. Well I have got to go for now. Talk to you'll later & take care.
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