Thursday, March 13, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] True love stroy please read it

Nice story Rosa ji and Jyoti ji!!
The Girl was really silly and silly people always pay hard.
The boy was cunning and he enjoyed all and will enjoy rest of time.
One thing is Clear and Always true, these days Innocent and true one people "ALWAYS" suffer , so be at safer side always ,Never believe and do Blindly in any feeling whether Love or some other.
Always Remember it.

i want to share a problem facing to my friend she loved a boy and first of all frdship started on phone and after some days boy asked her that he loved her she was talking to him on phone they did not see each friend felt that he is in love with her truely so he said that if you are not fiirt i am with you . after some days his frd said to her that he could not marry with you he can just do frdship.she was shocked so he talked to him he said no i am not willing to marry meray pheer nay mujhe maanna kia hai larki say shadi karnay kay lye.. but u can be my frd so they started frdship agian.after one month boy again realized her that he cant live without her so he loves her alot and once girls took trust on him so they started talking like lover and beloved . after 8 months girl pushed him to marry but he said he is in love with a girl and afair is of 5 years back and he has promised her that he will marry my frd was shocked to listen all that story she did qurrell with him that u did cheat and flirt with me i am going back to my life but i will never ever forgive u. boy said i also wanted frdship with you so please do go back and do frdship with me . he also said that i never ever did love with you .
she left him and there was no contact for one month between them after while he again contact her and there patchup started on frdship basis. during that one month girl srarted mail chat on net wiht some boys.
that boy hacked his id and then send all mails to her and the people whom she did mail chat on yahoo. just for time pass . there was nothing objectionable in her mails.
well boy said her that u r cheater u did frdship with others in my absence as he himself left him and did cheating wiht her emotions. she gave him explaination but he did not listen anything. again boy said her that i am in love with you i cant live wiht out you so you have t o wait for 1 year she agreed and love was on peak after 4 months boy said  that u r wrong girl you did chat in past u r not good and sincere with me i cant marry but i have love for you.she was shocked almost daily thery used to quarrel each other. well one day boy said her i will marry after 5 years and u have to wait for 5 years she said i cant wait its long period. he said if your family do your marry during that period you can do marry i have no objection but till then remain with me. she started weeping and said i am going back he never allowed her .one day girl did call to his frd for frdship just to tease him as he left him and said do frdship again he took the phone of his frd and started abuses and taunting her ;she threated her that i have your pics and i will do your rape i will nerver ever leave you.and he is used to do chat with girls on net and she again hacked her gmail account .he did played very well and used that girl like a toy
my friend is mentally upset she tried sucide for him but saved by grace of god again she wants to do sucide i wana suggestions from all of you so kindly send your suggestions for her uska kia kasoor tha
kia kise sa y chat karna flirt karna hai
us nay kia kuch nahi kia us ko panay kay ly e
 he always did blame her that u did magic on me you did my accident etc
before this id will be hacked again send your opinions
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Thanks & Regards
Rajkrishna Verma

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