Saturday, March 22, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] just fred

A local law enforcement officer stopped a car traveling faster than the posted speed limit.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
Since he was in a good mood that day,
 he decided to give the poor fellow a break and just write him a warning instead of a ticket.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 So he asked the man his name.
 "Fred,"  he replied.
"Fred what?" the officer asked.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 "Just Fred,"  the man responded.
When the officer pressed him for a last name,
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky 
the man told him that he used to have a last name but he had lost it.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 The officer thought he had a nut case on his hands and played along with it.
 "Tell me Fred, how did you loose your last name?"
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
The man replies, It's a long story so please stay with me.
 I was born Fred Dingaling.  I know, funny last name.
The kids used to tease me all the time.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 So I stayed to myself.  I studied hard and got good grades.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 When I got older I realized that I wanted to be a doctor.
 I went through college, medical school, internship, residency,
 and finally got my degree
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 so I was finally Fred Dingaling, MD.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 After a while I got bored being a doctor so I decided to go back to school.
Dentistry was my dream.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 Got all the way through school, got my degree
 so I was now Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS.
 Got bored doing dentistry and started fooling around with my assistant.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 She gave me VD.
 I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS with VD.
 Well, the ADA found out about the VD
 so they took my DDS
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 so I was Fred Dingaling MD with VD.
Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS
because of the VD,
 so they took away my MD
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
leaving me as Fred Dingaling with VD.
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
 Then the VD took away my dingaling
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky 
so now I'm "Just Fred."
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
A Thingos Presentation © Whimsical & Wacky Wits - Compiled for your personal enjoyment by karen-Compilation Copyright © wacky
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