[Hindi_Jokes] Don?t let cops take advantage of you
Don?t let cops take advantage of you
The next time a cop asks you to stop and take a breath analyser test while driving late at night, after partying, don't panic.
Men need to realise that women can be deceptive and that they can cause hell in their lives. Recently a Chennai based businessman went to the cops in
There are very specific guidelines under which you can be booked and if you do not fit into that category, you should not be challaned. If you?ve had a nasty experience of being harassed by the cops, though you certainly weren?t drunk, that?s because you are unaware of the rules.
Youngsters often complain about how the cops randomly stop them, are abusive ? sometimes they even resort to slapping them ? and threaten to book them for drunken driving or speeding whether or not they?ve broken the rule. Areas like Banjara Hills, Jubilee Hills, Bowenpally, Trimulgherry and Madha-pur are where most software professionals, MNC employees and youngsters hit the pubs to unwind after a hectic day. And the cops are waiting to nab them soon after they step out of the pub.
"I was stopped near the Tarnaka flyover by an Osmania University police team which put me through a breath analyser test, though I was not drunk. While the analyser did not show any reading, they said I was drunk but not beyond the prescribed limits.
They seemed determined to book some case against me. Finally, they let me off but not before putting me through considerable harassment," said a youth who runs a sports firm.
"Sometime back, the Market police inspector slapped a case of drunken driving and took Rs. 200 without even using a breath analyser. Cops were just stopping youngsters on motorcycles and booked cases by merely smelling them from close," said a student.
In another instance, a brother-sister duo were returning home from a pub when the cops stopped their car for a random check. "They gave us dirty looks? asked all kinds of questions and made us call our parents where my mom had to tell them we are her children," said the girl.
If the youth try questioning the cops, then the latter get even more obnoxious. "The checks are mostly supervised by Sub-Inspectors (SIs).
If an SI registers a wrong case or is rude, victims can complain to the concerned inspector or deputy commissioner of police who has the authority to take action against the cop," said Banjara Hills SI Tanveer Ahmed Khan.
But if the SI himself is in a drunken state, uses uncouth language and threatens to hit you even as you are talking ? this happened to a youngster who recently met with an accident at around 1.30 am and was trying to explain to the SI in Banjara Hills how he wasn?t in the wrong and the guy who hit his car simply fled from the scene ? what is one to do?
"People who have had bad experiences can directly mail me. If there is any instance of high handedness by the police, appropriate action would be taken," says additional commissioner of police (traffic) V. S. K. Kaumudi. Complaints and grievances can be lodged on the traffic helpline number 040-27852482. Or emails can be sent to trafficpolicehydera
bad@yahoo. , trafficpolicehyderaco.in bad@hotmail. andcom
bad@rediffmail. You can click photographs of the incident with your mobile or digital cameras and mail them too.com
Know Your Rights:
1) As per the Central Motor Vehicle Act, only the driver is to be tested. A case can be booked only when more than 30 mg of alcohol is present in 100 ml of blood. This has to be determined by the digital breath analysers available with the police or at the Osmania general hospital or Gandhi hospital.
2) A breath analyser gives a print out of the amount of alcohol present in a person?s body. This must be signed by the motorist. If the reading by the breath analyser shows less than the prescribed limit, no case can by booked.
3) Under section 185 of the Act, a fine amount of Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 can be levied on motorists for drunken or rash or negligence driving. Lesser fines can also be levied.
In 10 to 15 per cent of the cases, authorities can take it a step further by prosecution in the courts, if the offense are grave enough.
~~~~ Some of the Inspiring Quotes which tell not to give up in life so you can learn something from these Quotes1) Never expect things to happen..struggle and make them happen.never expect yourself to be given a good valuecreate a value of your own2) If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity.But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shine like a pearl.so choose the best place where you would shine..3) Falling down is not defeat...defeat is when your refuse to get up...4) Ship is always safe at shore... but is is not built for it5) When your successful your well wishers know who you are when you are unsuccessful you know who your well wishers are6) It is great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults; greater to tell him/her7) "To the world you might be one person,but to one person you just might be the world8) "Even the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' says 'I M POSSIBLE' "9) Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life makes all the difference.May ALLAH / God Bless You All,
Never take some one for granted,Hold every person Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones." Remember this always in life.
Syed Hassan Ali
Senior Support-Operations
Apex Technology Systems,Inc
Mobile No : 9885290563
hassanrazvi786@ ...
Hyderabad India
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