Thanks Dear "Dina." dineshvikrant@
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plz read this carefully and forward to others also!!!!WHY I DON'T DRINK SOFT DRINKS (AND WISH YOU DIDN'T)
Sunday, October 04, 1998
by William Frazier, M.P.H., N.C.There has never been motivation until now for me to assemble in one place all the information I have accumulated through the years on the harmful effects of soft drinks, especially colas and those containing phosphoric acid. Here is a partial list. (My prayer is that multitudes will be able to personally profit from reading this compendium of facts.)DISEASE FLOURISHES IN AN ACID ph - COLA-TYPE DRINKS ARE ACID"All kinds of soft drinks are very acidic, especially colas. In order to neutralize a glass of cola, it takes 32 glasses of high ph alkaline water." It is well known by the medical profession that disease loves acid. In fact, a physician fromsaid in a speech that if we could get our cells to maintain a normal ph (slightly alkaline), cancer could not grow in our bodies." Loma Linda University CERTAIN SOFT DRINKS AND CANCER MAY BE RELATEDFrancisco Contraries, M.D., of the Contraries Cancer Clinic in Kiajuana,said, "Cancer is like a plant cell; it can't live in an oxygen-rich environment. cola drinks make our bodies poor in oxygen. cancer is the second cause of death in Mexico . The average American is consuming 800 Or more soft drinks annually. Be more responsible for your own life; doctors have no responsibility for another's health." America SOFT DRINKS OFFEND THE KIDNEYSA three year study of over 1,000 men with a history of kidney stones showed: "There was a clear-cut difference in the group's experiences, with much less renal colic in the men who had avoided soft drinks. Of those who continued to use soft drinks, there was also a big difference in outcome depending upon the nature of the soft drink consumed. Soft drinks acidified with phosphoric acid were the worst offenders. Colas of all kinds, of course, are well known for their high phosphoric acid content." COLA DRINKS PROVIDE ZERO NUTRIENTSAs pointed out by Beatrice Hunter in her book, CONSUMER BEWARE (published in 1971), "Nutritionally, soft drinks are low in value. Their food energy comes solely from refined sugar. Every element of nutritional importance, except calories, is zero. Soft drinks have much in common with hard liquor, claimed the co-discoverer of insulin, Dr. Charles Best. Cirrhosis of the liver has been found among teenagers who drink large quantities of soft drinks, as well as among chronic alcoholics." Can we live without a functioning liver? No. And do doctors have a cure for cirrhosis of the liver? Not really!CAFFEINE IS ADDICTIVE; COLAS PROVIDE ITSoft drinks, including the cola and pepper-type drinks that have caffeine in them, are the number one beverage of Americans today, with coffee second. Caffeine is a drug and it acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system. "In the amounts presently being consumed, it can cause insomnia, nervousness, irritability, anxiety and disturbances in the heart rate and rhythm. Cola and pepper-type drinks account for 80-90 percent of the caffeine added to foods today. Its long term effects on people are not clearly known."BIRTH DEFECTS AREA POSSIBILITYHere is advice on caffeine from the FDA. "In making the public announcement in September of caffeine's possible dangers to unborn children, FDA commissioner Dr. Jere E. Goyan urged prudence by pregnant women in the use of caffeine products. Goyan's words to mothers-to-be: "So while further evidence is being gathered on the possible relationship between caffeine and birth defects, a prudent and protective mother-to-be will want to put caffeine on her list of unnecessary substances which she should avoid." The old saying that a pregnant woman is "eating for two" has a special meaning in regard to caffeine.The Commissioner also noted that studies to date support the wisdom passed down from generation to generation that caffeine is not for pregnant women or children. "We hope some day to have better scientific assessments," Goyan said, "but for now adhering to the guidance of our parents seems to be the most prudent course." ANOTHER PROBLEM: CARAMEL COLORING"Cola drinks contain caramel coloring which, according to some researchers, has genetic effects and is a cancer-causing suspect. Polyethylene glycol is used as an ingredient sometimes. Glycol is used in anti-freeze in automobiles and as an oil solvent." Perhaps you have noticed that pouring cola drinks on your windshield in a snow or ice storm will keep the windshield from freezing over with ice.BUBBLES AND FIZZ - NOT INNOCENT"The bubbles and fizz in soft drinks can potently burn human insides; this is caused by the phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide. The phosphorus in the acid upsets the body's calcium-phosphorus ratio and dissolves calcium out of the bones. This can eventually result in osteoporosis, a weakening of the skeletal structure, which can make one susceptible to broken bones. Also, the phosphorus fights with the hydrochloric acid in human stomachs and renders it ineffective. This promotes indigestion, bloating and gassiness in many individuals. Carbon dioxide is a waste product exhaled by humans, but they ingest it when they drink cola drinks."SUGAR - SUGAR - SUGAR: A WHITE DECEIVERSoft drinks use predominately three types of sweeteners - saccharin or aspartame in the diet type and sugar, cane syrup or corn syrup in the regular drinks. "These substances enhance taste appeal and come touted as "refreshing" and "high energy". The truth is that saccharin has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals and Nutra-sweet and Equal are linked to convulsions, depression, insomnia, irritability, weakness, dizziness, migraine headaches, mood changes and mental retardation. (Which of these, I ask, is something you really want in your life?)ALLERGIES: WITH OR WITHOUT HIVESDr. George M. Halpem, Division of Allergy at theof Medicine says that diet soft drinks may cause allergies. "The potential problem may be due to toxicity because of the increase in consumption of diet drinks. Acute or chronic hives may be symptoms caused by this low-calorie, artificial sweetener." University ofCalifornia Davis School MALFORMED FETUSES IN MICE A REALITYAnother study that caught my attention was done in, by Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara and published under the title, The Effects of Foods on the Bones of Mice. The experiments involved sustaining mice with feed containing calcium and phosphoric acid in varying ratios. When the amount of phosphoric acid was increased beyond a certain limit, bone malformation occurred in the mice. Further increase of phosphoric acid in the food of pregnant mice yielded 40 malformed fetuses out of 100. the meaning of these results are self-evident. Too much phosphoric acid can cause birth defects." Does it happen in humans? Why take a chance! Japan HOW TO DISSOLVE YOUR TEETH"Nor am I alone in this conclusion," Haglwara said. "A government warning was once issued to the manufacturer of a certain world-famous refreshing soft drink for its suspected effect on the bones of children because of the large amount of phosphoric acid contained in it. Pour cola over an extracted baby tooth or a 10-penny nail and see it totally dissolve in a few days!"Dr. Clive McCay, working at the Naval Research Institute, placed extracted human teeth in cola drinks. Within two days, the teeth became very soft, and the enamel surface lost much of its calcium. Rats, well fed but given nothing to drink except cola beverages, after six months had their molar teeth dissolved down to the gum line. When Dr. McCay reported years ago the rat experiments before the Delaney hearing on chemical in foods, a lawmaker reminded him that the soft drink industry represented huge economic investments. He suggested that these alarming findings be soft-pedaled to avoid disrupting the industry and the economy as a whole. Dr. McCay countered by stating that the health of the nation's children might be as important as the welfare of the soft-drink industry." How do you feel about your children's teeth being damaged?SOFT BONES OR NO BONES!My file is full of examples of Americans with soft bones (dissolved, I believe, by their phosphoric acid consumption) any my heart-felt concern for fetuses is now a reality - many are being born without face bones, with missing ribs, with fewer than normal carpal bones, and so forth. Do we really care? Do we care enough to change our lifestyle? I sincerely hope so.
If changes are not made by millions soon, Dr. James Beasley's prediction can be upon us. He said, "If Americans do not change their eating and drinking habits, within twenty years we will have nutritional obliteration." I see that as a very viable possibility.KIDNEY VS COLA: A REAL PROBLEM FOR MANYDr. Earl Mantel in his book, "Unsafe At Any Meal" says, "For anyone over forty, soft drinks can be especially hazardous because the kidneys are less able to excrete excess phosphorous, causing depletion of vital calcium." Can a person live without kidneys? No. Is it easy and/or cheap to get a kidney transplant? No!METABOLISM CAN BE ALTERED: THAT SPELLS TROUBLEHeavy soft drink consumption can interfere with your body's metabolization of iron and diminish nerve-impulse transmission. Sodas may contain - but are not required to disclose - such ingredients as ethyl alcohol, sodium alginate (possibly hazardous for pregnant women), brominated vegetable oil (found harmful to vital organs of animals and considered a health risk to heavy consumers of beverages containing it) and caffeine.MORE "REAL" SYMPTOMS
Cola drinks can interact adversely with antacids, possible causing constipation, calcium loss, hypertension, nausea, vomiting, headaches and kidney damage. Soft drinks can decrease the antibacterial action of penicillin and ampicillin.MORE "SUGAR BLUES"
"The average 12 ounce cola has about 150 calories and over an ounce (9 teaspoons) of refined sugar, a 12 ounce up-cola has 71/2 teaspoons of sugar." Dr. A. Thrash, M.D., found that 24 teaspoons of sugar in on day destroys 92% of the body's ability to destroy bacteria.BLOOD PRESSURE ALTERATION: ON THE HIGH SIDEDiet sodas that are low in calories are high in sodium. Six ounces of regular Pepsi cola has 5 mg of sodium; Diet Pepsi has 31 mg (But who only drinks 6 oz at a time now? - classic Coke Cola has 19 mg sodium. High blood pressure is very common ailment in our society, I wonder why!
And who shouldn't have high sodium in their diets? My personal answer to that question, is that the condition which causes a person to have high blood pressure should be considered a condition where limiting sodium intake would be helpful. Here are a few of those; certain tumors, kidney disease, adrenal or thyroid or pituitary gland malfunction, even diabetes and arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Soft drinks should be off limits to persons with these conditions.A DECEITFUL ADDICTION: CAFFEINECaffeine is a member of the same alkaloid group of chemicals as morphine, nicotine, cocaine, purine and strychnine. These alkaloids all have one thing in common: they are addictive. Colas are responsible for giving millions of Americans addicts their daily "fixes". (Forgive my poignant language - but think about it). [ Articles Index ]Last Updated: Sunday, October 04, 1998
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