Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[Hindi_Jokes] Messy kids ....what to do ?

Messy kids ....what to do ?

If you have a child with impulsive behavior, disorganization, and that makes a mess
wherever they go, the following tips will help them, and you, to stay patient.

Tip #1 - Set times for homework
Set times for homework. By setting 'chunks' of time for each
assignment (this could be quarter or half hour slots), it enables
your child to stay fresh and not get too bored with doing the
same piece of work for long periods.

Tip #2 - Make lists

Help them to get into the habit of writing lists. This could
be for homework, household chores or reminders of things
to do or stuff to take into school. Buy them a little notebook
which will fit easily into the pocket and can be carried
around at all times.

Tip #3 - Prepare the night before

Plan the next day and discuss it with your child before
they go to bed. Help them to lay their school uniform
out and ensure they have their bag packed ready for
school. This eliminates those horrendous mornings
when you end up running round like a headless chicken
looking for ties, school bus passes, matching pairs of
socks etc.

Tip #4 - Create a homework area

Set a position in their room for homework. Ensure
they have a desk or some sort of flat surface where
they can do their work. Keep plenty of pans and pencils
available for them to lay their hands on at all times.

Tip #5 - Leave notes

Leave notes for your child if he or she is old enough to
read. "Bring your hot water bottle down" or "Dirty
washing goes in the wash-basket" act as gentle
reminders for the child who tends to be messy.

Tip #6 - Provide storage

Provide plenty of storage in the way of wire baskets,
plastic crates or shoe boxes for them to keep their toys
or belongings in. Hang plastic hooks behind their
bedroom door to hang their clothes on to save them
being strewn all over the bedroom floor.

Tip #7 - Clean out the junk

Children like these usually have bedrooms which
look like they have been burgled. So to keep the mess
at least manageable, every week clean out and throw
out unused items.

Tip #8 - Regulate mealtimes

Try to keep mealtimes to round about the same times
every day. This establishes routine and makes children
secure in knowing that things will happen the same
every day. The same goes for bedtimes. Keep turning in
to the same time every night.

Tip #9 - Use a family calendar

Always use, so therefore encouraging your children to
use, a calendar for your commitments and any family birthdays
or anniversaries. Wall planners are good as you can see at
a glance what you have planned without having to flick
through pages.

Tip #10 - Encourage and reward

Finally, encourage good habits by letting your children
help you with your own chores and always reward for a job
well done. If your kids have at least tried to keep things tidy,
you should let them know how you have noticed this with a
reward and encouragement to do it again the next time.


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