Wednesday, January 28, 2009

[Hindi_Jokes] Thinking of U ...

"Friendship is the bridge between earth and heaven"


674trps.gif picture by zubia_2009



graphicone.gif one-1 picture by kiranbia_2008

graphic2.gif two-2 picture by kiranbia_2008

graphic3.gif three-3 picture by kiranbia_2008

graphic4.gif four-4 picture by kiranbia_2008

graphic5.gif five-5 picture by kiranbia_2008

graphic6.gif six-6 picture by kiranbia_2008

f43fvr.gif picture by zubia_2009

rose_divider.gif picture by zubia_2009
"I asked God to give me happiness,God said,
'No,I give you blessings,Happiness is up to you'."


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