Monday, December 15, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] Find your joy in the ordinary moments

Life does not have to be glamorous
or spectacular in order
to be filled with richness..
The very best moments are,
more often than not, the ordinary moments.

It is not really what surrounds you
or what happens to you
that makes life good.
It is what you do with it.

Some people can be miserable
even in the most exciting surroundings.
And others can find true magic,
Wonder and richness in even
the most common, ordinary circumstances.

Where you are right now is a great
and wonderful place to be.
Know that there are real miracles
in this very moment and they will be yours to live.

If your happiness depends
on some outside factor,
then even if you attain it,
you'll be disappointed by
the sense of emptiness it brings.
And you'll feel the need for something more.
That something more has been
there all along and is, when you choose it,
unconditionally yours.

Find your joy in the ordinary moments
and experience how
beautifully rich and fulfilling life can be

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(¨`*.*´¨) Always
`*.¸(¨`*.*´¨) Keep
(¨`*.*´¨)¸.*´ Smiling!

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