Saturday, June 14, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] I Can Feel You

I Can Feel You
You are so far away,
but I can still feel you.
The essence of your being
is in everything I say and do.
The nearness of your spirit

takes my breath away.
I feel you in every beat of my heart
as I go throughout my day.
When I close my eyes,
I get such feelings of bliss.
I can see your gentle face
and feel the fire in your caress.
You tiptoe across my mind
in the gentlest ways.
You're in the softness of a rose
and the warm wind on my face.
You're the sunbeams from heaven
shining brightly in my soul.
A sweetness of serenity
that fills my heart with gold.
You're always inside my mind,
even though we are far apart.
I can feel you with me always
tugging gently at my heart.
There is the sweetest devotion,
I know you love me too.
We'll be together in spirit
and I'll be forever loving you.

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