Monday, May 05, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] The size of ur heart

The size of ur heart

It isn't the size of your house as such,
That matters so much at all,
It's the gentle hand and its loving touch,
That make it great or small.
The friends who come
and the hour they go,
When they from
your house depart,
Will judge you not by
the style you show,
But rather by the
size of your heart.
It isn't the size of your head so much,
And it isn't the wealth you've found,
What will make you happy is how you touch
The other lives all around.


For making money is not so hard,
But to live life well is an art.
How people love you and how they regard
Is all in the size of your heart!
+ 91 98370 77680


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