Tuesday, May 20, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] Signs you´re falling in love

13. you can´t stay MAD at him/her for more than a minute or two. you actually have to try HARD to stay mad.

12.you´ll read his/her IMS over and over again

11. You´ll walk really REALLY slow while you´re with him/her.....

10.You´ll feel SHY whenever you´re with him/her....

9.While THINKING about him/her.....

8.By LISTENING to his/her VOICE you´ll SMILE for no reason.

7. While LOOKING at him/her....you can´t see the other people AROUND you...you    can  only see THAT person.

6. you´ll start LISTENING to SLOW songs.

5. he/she becomes ALL you THINK about.

4.you´ll get HIGH just by their SMELL....

3.You´ll REALIZE that you´re ALWAYS SMILING to YOURSELF when you THINK of them.

2. you´ll DO ANYTHING for him/her.....

1.while READING this , there was ONE PERSON on your MIND the WHOLE time.



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