Saturday, May 24, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] For Friends

Friends Survey

Hope I receive it back from you.
Read through the comments below    about your friend and then make sure you read the instructions at the bottom. Have fun!
What time is it
4:29 p.m.       
What's your full -name
Rajkrishna verma
What are you most afraid of
Some what you can say average not very Goodand  not very bad.   
What is the most recent movie that you have seen
Dragon War
Home Town 
Favorite food
Panir , Poori sabji ,chole bhatoore
What's your natural hair color
Ever been a Neat Freak
No, Never


Love someone so much it made you cry
Yes but not as girlfriend
Been in a car accident

Favorite Day of the Week
Favorite restaurant
i have no idea, i don't eat out , I like home made foods
Favorite Friends
some are really my favourite friends
Favorite sport to watch
Favorite drink
 fruit juice and No alchohal
Favorite ice cream
milky white
Warner Brothers or Disney
Ever been on a ship
No, but on boat!
What is the color of your car
don't have one but when i do definately blue or silver
How many times did you fail your driver's test

before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail
Dont know!!
What do you do when you are bored ?
 I never get bored but in liesure time I Read or sleep or see movie.
Anytime i feel like
Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest
really, i know whom I will send 80% will reply because my friends always reply my mails.
Who will least likely respond
One who is busy and Happy in his/her life.
Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses
One who is dear to me.
 favorite Comedy
Lal mircg Hari mirch
Last person you sat and ate with
with family
Park or Zoo
what are your favorite colors
red, blue ,Green
How many tattoos do you have
Never i will make any one my body , I dont like any permanent mark on my body.
How many pets do you have
one Female dog!!
Do you play cards
  What do you want to do before you die?
To work for poor if I have money enough to do this.
Have you ever been to Hawaii
Have you been to countries outside .
How many people are you sending this e-mail
May be 20
T ime this survey ended
Now, here's what you're supposed to do... please do not spoil the fun. Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your answers.

Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you. Remember to send it back to the person who sent it to you.

Thanks & Regards
Rajkrishna Verma

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