Wednesday, March 05, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] Wonderful Joke 4rm Zubbu


One Sardar was enjoying Sun on a Beach in UK.
  A lady came and asked him, " Are you relaxing"
  Sardar answered '" No I am Banta Singh"
  Another Guy Came and asked the same Question.
  Sardar answered " No No Me ! Banta Singh"
  Third one came and asked the same
  question, Sardar was totally annoyed and decided to
  shift his place.
  While walking he saw another Sardar
  enjoying the Beach.
  He went and asked him " Are you Relaxing?". The other Sardar was much educated and answered "Yes I am relaxing.
  The Sardar slapped him on
  his face and said "Idiot, they are all searching for you and you are sitting here"


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