Thursday, March 06, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] wht's friendship from A to Z......


A - accepts you as you are...
B - believes in you...
C - calls,you just to say "hi"
D - doesn't give up on you...
E - envisions the world of you.(even the unfinished parts)
F - forgives your mistakes.....
G -gives unconditionally.....
H -helps you.....
I -invites you.....
J -just like being with you.....
K -keeps you close at heart.....
L -loves you for how you are.....
M -makes a differences in ur life...
N -never judges you....
O -offers support...
P -picks you up...
Q -quiets your fears....
R -raises your spirits....
S -says nice things about you...
T -tells you the truth when you need to hear it....
U -understands you...
V -values you...
W -walks besides you...
X -xplains things you dont understand...
Y -yells when you wont listen...
Z -zaps you back to reality....

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