Tuesday, March 11, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] Souls Connected

Souls Connected
Do you know how much I want you?
Do you know how much I care?
I wish you could see inside my heart
And see the love I have to share

You know it's not so easy
For me to give a part of my heart
But it's what I have to do
If I want a chance for love to start

Our heart is like a jigsaw
We need to find the missing link
To make our souls connect as one
Before the loneliness makes us sink

I try so hard to drop my guard
To hopefully let you see
That beyond this cold exterior
There's a warmer side to me

My heart is slowly melting
Your compassion is helping it thaw
As the pedestal that you placed me on
Makes me feel I'm ten foot tall

I'll love you like no other
If you give me just a chance
As the passion in which you crave for
I'll give you all in our romance
Regard's ,

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