Sunday, March 16, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] IF I DIED TOMORROW...

If I died tomorrow, I would know I was loved,
Unconditionally and pure you were sent from above...
I would still feel you with me, and still call your name,
But would you hear me, would you still feel the same?...
Searching and finding what I thought I had missed,
Nothing I imagined could ever top this...
You believed in me and gave me your all,
Courage and strength when I started to fall...
From a distance I gave you myself,
I let go of my fears and trusted no one else...
I won't forget you are the best there ever was,
Even when you tell me you love me, just because...
You've grown in my heart, you've grown in my soul,
You made me your life, you made me your goal...
If I died tomorrow, I would still believe,
That you and I were always meant to be...

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