Friday, March 07, 2008

[Hindi_Jokes] BMW Night Vision(Prishi)

BMW Night Vision

Driving in the dark is still one of the most strenuous driving situations and one which tends to present a greater risk. For improving the situation BMV developed this..

A thermal imaging camera covers an area up to 300 m in front of the vehicle. The image created on the central monitor displays objects more brilliantly, the greater the warmth registered by the camera. People (pedestrians at the edge of the road) and animals (wild animals crossing the road) would thus be the brightest areas of the image.

Wonder when some Indian cars will get this?

BMW Night Vision and High-Beam Assist

BMW Night Vision and High-Beam Assist

BMW  Night Vision and High-Beam Assist

BMW Night Vision and High-Beam Assist

BMW Night Vision and High-Beam Assist

BMW Night Vision and High-Beam Assist

BMW Night Vision and High-Beam Assist

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