[Hindi_Jokes] learn about me
Learn a little more about me! The directions are at the end. Four jobs I have had in my life: 01. Cleaning house <Hey it's a job lol> 02. Doing laundry < Oh how I dread it> 03. Welder 04. Drill press operator Four movies I've watched more than once: 01. The Graduate 02. Full Metal Jacket 03. Young Guns I & II 04. Secret Window Four places I have lived: 01. Middle Point, Ohio 02. Delphos, Ohio 03. Van Wert, Ohio 04. Paulding, Ohio Four T.V. Shows that I watch 01. All the CSI 02. Dancing with the stars 04. Survivor Four places I have been: these are places 01. Home 02. To the bathroom < you didn't say outside of the home lol> 03. To work 04. To bed People who e-mail me (regularly): 01. My boyfriend 02. My sister's & brothers 03. Laresa 04. All my rowdy yahoo friends Four People who have influenced me Greatly 01. My Mom and Dad 02. My boyfriend 03. Myself <can I put that?> 04. My sister's, brothers & my all my rowdy friends Four favorite foods 01. Fried Chicken 02. Is dew a food as in Mountain dew? Lol 03. Anyone elses food 04. Beef <You got to have the meat lol and not thinking dirty, ok maybe I am > Four places I would rather be right now: 01. With my boyfriend 02. In Michigan 03. Hmm not thinking dirty here again maybe I am on a deserted island with just my boyfriend & I, W00T 04. Anywhere but here <only if you asked me this last night I would of filled it up with this question lol> Four friends I think will respond: 01. Thinking 02. Hmm still thinking here 03. You guessed it still thinking 04. Well I thought a lot about it & I would say who knows? Things I am looking forward to this year: 01. Spending time with my boyfriend & getting to know him better 02. Spending time with my family & all my rowdy friends 03. Christmas vacation 04. Oh man why a 4th one? Now I got to do more thinking hmmmm, going to Michigan too see my boyfriend wait I already said that, ok looking forward too my two week vacation & looking forward to getting to know what the hell I am going to do for 2 weeks lol, how is that? FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS: Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil The fun. Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then Send this to a Whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who Sent it to you. The Theory is that you will learn a lot of little known Facts about those who know you. Remember to send it back to the person Who sent it to you. | ||

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