Sunday, September 16, 2007

[Hindi_Jokes] Daily Horoscopes September 16, 2007

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From : Ganesh Kumble (Hindi Jokes Team)

Daily Horoscopes September 16, 2007
ARIES (March 21 - April 19) You may not have a practical or structured plan of what your next move or indeed moves should be. When you look ahead you still feel unclear about what you want or indeed how to reach your goals. Maybe it is a time to drift a little. When in doubt, as the old saying goes, do nothing at all. In your spare moments it will make sense to think or even write on your own about matters which interest you. Taking up new studies may be hard work but the fort will be rewarded.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) Regard obstacles and delays at work as good learning lessons now. They will bring you a deeper understanding of what you want from life. Neptune around can make you feel undermined temporarily but it will also open your mind to creative new possibilities. Gradually you begin to adjust your hopes and see that there are other things than success. You can still be wonderful without being first. Being thrifty when it comes to money and possessions may feel like bore. But you know you want to save for a rainy day.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) You may lean towards rather strange beliefs about the world at the moment. But do be wary of idealising teachers or gurus since no one will match up to your hopes of perfection. You will end up feeling let down if you invest too much hope in someone else having all the right answers. Just rely on your own self-discipline and patience to see you through. Beware a slight tendency to look at life from the most negative point of view. Be persevering and do no tryo take short cuts.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22) You may find yourself feeling let down where joint finances and intimate emotional relationships are concerned. Maybe you need to be more discriminating, since you can with the influences around now you can attract yourself to not very reliable partners. Don't let yourself feel lonely or isolated. Maybe you do sense a lack of support. But there are changes ongoing within you which will need time to come to the surface. Just keep pruning out what you reckon iinessential. You are clearing the decks of whatever you do not need for the future.

LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) In order to make one important decision, you have to arrive at the correct standpoint yourself. This may mean delaying until you have pondered on various different possibilities. It's important to remember that if you try to be all things to all people it will not work. Nothing will distract you from the essentials at the moment. Life may not be passionate or very exciting for a while but you will accomplish a modest amount. You can especially look forward to copi admirably with practical situations.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Where your health is concerned, you are becoming much more interested in different ways of staying healthy. If your energy is low you will be exploring subtle ways of improving your physical stamina. Just try to avoid getting caught up in any weird and way out ideas, odd diets or other remedies which have not been solidly checked. You do need to keep fit since you recognise there will be no short cut to achievement at work. There is a real chance that your retation will be solidly established now.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) You like to think of yourself as moral and just, with above average integrity. You have become a bit of a thinker and expert recently, but can sometimes sound slightly self-righteous as if you had all the answers. Keep asking the questions and remember the more you know, the more you realize how little you know. Where romance is concerned, you are looking for that wonderful love. But you may be a touch perplexed as lovers turn out to be weaker than you imagine. Be realistic.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) You will not find it easy to bring emotional differences into the open but it is important that you try. Be as honest as you possibly can be. Try to make loved ones be straightforward as well. Where cash is concerned this is no time to raise loans or go into debt. Credit will not be easily given or you could get to resent the obligation of paying it back. It is only a temporary phase but one where you are very much thrown back on your own resources.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) This may be a difficult time to keep secrets since they seem to slide out into the open at quite the wrong moment unexpectedly. Nor is it the right time to be absolutely blunt or confrontational. Try to lay your cards on the table firmly but tactfully. Certain close partners may have become more critical and be demanding more of your time and energy. You are certainly being made aware of your commitments. But success should be coming also for your st efforts at work.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) You know the best way to get more attention is to run around being of service at work or out in the community. Give people what they need and they'll appreciate you thoroughly. But you also need to give yourself more time to find yourself. So divide yourself between quiet moments with your feet up and busy patches where you rush around being helpful. You will pride yourself on getting along on less. It's the nitty-gritty essentials that are important tyou now.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) You may have trouble coming to a deeper self knowledge about yourself but it is absolutely crucial that you do. Every person you meet seems to give you different feedback, or bring out a different strand of your personality. So you may become more muddled as you try to put all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together. With cash, this is definitely not a time to speculate wildly or gamble. You will need to draw back from some of your wilder impulses.

PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) Watch for a tendency to become too escapist, looking for ways out of the boring, practical details of your everyday world. This will not be helpful. You know there are more things of value than what you can see, touch or feel, but you need to stay connected to reality all the same. You do have moments of feeling that it is quite a struggle to establish a warm, happy, secure home life for yourself. Just know that hard work always pays off here. You will get at you want if you persevere.

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